Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back to the Blogosphere

Wow. You spend two weeks away from the internet and things just keep moving right along without you! (It's kinda like High School, when you're there you think it all revolves around you, and then you realize that everyone lives and breathes without your presence.) I have been trying to read everyone's posts, but I do need to do one important bit of housekeeping: Thank my bud Ana (Getting Help Making a Baby) for my first-ever Blog award! I'm not exactly sure how to go about this, but I'll give it a shot.

Blogs that I love to love:

1. Learning to Swim in a Sea of Baby Bumps
2. I Heart Colorado (Because not everything is about being infertile.)
3. Mojo Working
4. Trying Not to Scream
5. The Elusive Embryo (There are happy endings after all.)
6. 999 Reasons to Laugh at Infertility
7. a + b, waiting for c

Thank you, Ana, for passing this award to me. I will try to pass it along to others as well (I only have seven now, but I will keep working.) - big ups to all bloggers who pour their heart and soul into the world wide web. It's an emotional paella out there.