I guess I never really paid any attention to infertility before I was afflicted with it. I guess most people don't. We spend years on "the pill" trying not to get ourselves into trouble and generally believe that bearing children at some point is a given. That's why I find it relieving when the mainstream media decides to tackle infertility.
Yesterday, the Denver Post printed an article about a man (yes, infertility affects them, too) who, together with his wife, went through years of infertility treatment in order to become a father. Adjacent to that article was a brief question-and-answer with a fertility specialist, who cleared up some very common misconceptions. I appreciated that. As much as I love my father and mother, the days spent celebrating Fatherhood and Motherhood have taken on a very subtle hue of disappointment. I no longer want to celebrate simply having a mother, but being one as well. The same goes for fatherhood. I would love to give my husband his first Father's Day card sometime soon. I long to say the words, "Go ask Daddy...".
I posted the link on my Facebook site, thinking that it's about time I was able to share some information about my condition with the outside world. Hey, if I have to hear about kidney stones and broken ankles, everyone else can learn a little bit about my own brand of boo-boo.
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