Jamie: When I wanted my baking kit, I prayed to God for a whole month to get it.
Phoebe: Is that what you have to do?
Jamie: Well, if you want something a lot, you have to pray. Or do something you hate, and God will see you deserve it.
Phoebe: I don't believe in God.
Jamie: Me neither. But I did get the baking kit.
Phoebe: So you have to pray?
Jamie: Or do something you hate.
Phoebe: Like what?
Jamie: I dunno, P.E.?
Phoebe eventually gets the part, but not before she commits herself to all kinds of superstitious routines. It made me think about all the superstitious behaviors that we, as infertiles, subject ourselves to. Personally, I never run or exercise for at least two days after an IUI. (My doctor says there's no medical reason why that would matter.) I also don't have intercourse for about a week after my O-day, just in case the jostling would hinder my chances. (Ridiculous, I know.) I eat lots of pineapple, have tried various herbal suplements, and I even have tried headstands. (Now I'm hearing the Cheshire Cat ask, "Can you stand on your head?") Sigh. Maybe next I'll try doing something I hate. I guess it is my turn to clean the bathroom.
I know I have done some crazy superstitious behaviors because I am infertile. No joke I once laid in bed with my feet over my head for like thirty minutes, because I heard it would help sperm get farther. Obviously it did not work. I wonder if I take the trash out, like all the way to the trash cans or put it out on trash day, will I become pregnant?