Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh No She Didn't!

I haven't been writing much lately as I have been on a "TTC Hiatus." (We all know that infertility still occupies a good chunk of my time and makes me insanely jealous when someone new announces a pregnancy...I'm just not going to the RE and spending my allowance on Follistim.) The hubby and I are waiting until summertime to undergo the fabled IVF procedure. We decided that the stress of work and finances would make this cycle (read: any cycle until May) a bust no matter what. If IVF is going to be successfull (and for $5,000, it better be!), then we want to give it the best shot possible. So, here's to taking a break...

In the meantime, we've been enjoying time with friends. This weekend, we were coaxed into going to a local iconic eatery in Denver called Casa Bonita. It, interesting. Think Las Vegas' Venitian hotel, but Mexicali. With a waterfall. And a cave. And an arcade. It was just kitschy enough to include a fortune-teller-in-a-box, à la "Big". (My Cultural Studies teacher, let alone Umberto Eco, would have had a field day with this place.) Anyway, for one token, Estrella would give you a fortune. I was in.

I put in my token, she waved her automated hand over her crystal ball, and violà! Nothing. No fortune appeared in the little slot. That's par for the course: my luck was crap. I asked the attendants if the machine was broken, and they in turn asked a manager to come help me out. "Do you want your fortune, or do you want your token back?" she asked, amused. "I want my fortune!" I said. In went the token, and out came not one but TWO fortunes! Oh, the luck! Here is what the fortunes said:

"Ideas are like children, there are none so wonderful as your own."

Damn you, Estrella. Damn you.


  1. Gah! I can't believe you went to Casa Bonita without e! Sure, the food is crap and the whole atmosphere screams cheesy Mexican family eatery, but hey have divers! Back in the day, the divers used to wear speedos. Yes ma'am. Family-friendly indeed. And don't mind Estrella, I'm pretty sure she's been locked in the darned box for decades. She can't possibly be sane.

    I miss you friend. I promise Ian and I will come down soon! Take care and rest up!!!

  2. OMG, yes DAMN you Estrella, worst fortune teller ever!
