Friday, May 28, 2010


As part of my "I'm not putting my life on hold" plan, I booked a trip to California over my prime fertile days. Oops. The receptionist at my RE's office seemed awfully disappointed, and I was originally, too. However, since I've had nearly a full two weeks off of taking my Basal Body Temperature, giving myself an injection, visiting the doctor's office once or twice a week, and obsessing over my cervical mucus, I've really enjoyed myself. I think that I'll have to keep this in mind: a vacation from infertility is a must. It keeps you sane and helps you to remember that you're a (relatively) normal person in the real world. Without the constant reminder (i.e. prescription bottles, doctor's appointments, and refraining from intense physical activity) of what you're not allowed / able to do, you can actually lead a pretty normal life. I've missed that. In irresponsibly booking a trip home, I've bought myself a whole month of not worrying about much. I've given myself the gift of being a normal woman. Man, that was worth the $300.00 right there.

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