Friday, June 25, 2010

My Husband is Smarter Than Your Husband

Well, at least my husband would get an A+ on a female anatomy and reproduction quiz. You know you're trying to conceive (TTC) when your better half knows more about 'girl parts' than most women do. My husband no longer makes jokes about "that time of the month", but rather notes that, "because [my] Basal Body Temperature stayed up for over two weeks, that's a good sign that the first doctor was wrong about a Luteal Phase Disorder." Dang. Home boy knows his stuff. He reminds me to take certain pills, knows what they're for, and even asks me about the finer points of ovulation. Infertility make take away your physical ability to have kids, but if knowledge is power, my husband is a Reproductive Superhero. You go, boy.

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