Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nature is the Meanest Boss EVER!

Think about this: If living is your job, then Nature is your boss. And if Nature is my boss, it is the meanest boss that I have ever had. Here are the reasons why:

  1. Nature can terminate your employment at any time, regardless of experience.

  2. Nature can change your schedule at a moment's notice, without first consulting or apprising your of the reason.

  3. Nature is erratic and completely unpredictable. It's bright and cheery one day, and stormy and moody the next.

  4. Nature displays favoritism. It gives bonuses to some people, and not to others. (And they're not even performance-based!)

  5. Nature micro-manages. It has to control every little thing in the universe, but doesn't seem to attend to the big-picture problems. (Can we stop with the pandemics already?)

  6. Nature completely shoots down your ideas and plans without so much as a logical reason why.

  7. Nature can withhold your pay indefinitely, and you have to go right on working.

Sometimes, I just want to quit and start my own business.

(This photo is one that my husband took of a recent fire that decimated hundreds of acres in our area this year. At least Nature is universally mean.)


  1. Is your job ok? I'm a little worried about you!

  2. Everything ok?

    I think number 3 sounds like a hormonal infertile. lol.

