Monday, November 1, 2010

Everybody's Wearing it This Season

One of my favorite blogs is hosting a giveaway to a super-adorable clothing company that I love and regularly buy from. On her website, the blogger has on a really cute coat…that barely fits over her prego belly. I stuck with her when she announced that she was pregnant, but it seems that pregnancy infiltrates every aspect of a woman's life and blog. (I can only read so many "how to turn your boring regular t-shirt into a nifty maternity t-shirt!" or "how to knit baby booties with organic yarn" posts. It seems that everyone is pregnant, though, and this blogette and her followers are no exception. Despite the fact that the jacket would always seem like maternity wear to me (thanks to the photo of her looking adorable in it), I decided to go for it. Then I started reading through all the other entries. "It would look so cute and cover my baby bump from the cold!" one chirped. "I'm pregnant to and love to see cute clothes for us!" quipped another. Oh, geez. Like you need anything else in the world to make you excited about pregnancy. Bite me.

So it seems like this season's fashion accessory is a big belly. Since I can't get a belly by being pregnant…would a beer belly suffice? Helllooo New Belgium 2°Below Winter Ale…yum. Maybe I'll even post pictures by the week of my growing midsection. How adorable is that!? (BTW - husband says, "not so adorable." Dang.)

(The picture is of my husband's hops, by the way, which he uses to make beer. Little trivia for you.)


  1. So thats what HOPS look like!
    Sorry you favorite blog has been over run by "adorable" belly bumps :(

  2. I think the beer belly pics are a fantastic idea and there is one knocked up bloggy follower that will be VERY jealous of all that beer youre consuming. Oh, sweet sweet beer.

    I actually sniped about half the beer snits/chasers/backs (all regions call them different things - some don't even know they exist) from all the bloody mary drinkers at brunch on sunday.

    Oh I miss beer. And frankly, at nearly 21 weeks my body still just looks like it has a beer belly, apparently that's just how it feels best.

    SO! To get to the damned point, I say, Salud! Bottoms up! You'll get your baby soon, after your crazy follie count, you're destined!

  3. Umm, how about eating homemade spaghetti and oodles of frozen yogurt? Or lots of cookies and peppermint hot chocolates? And, until you have an adorable little bun in the oven, why not fill it with scrumptious goodies?! I'll help you expand your waistline anytime (although, knowing me, I will force us to walk or run immediately following.)

    Hang in there chica! I've got a Christmas wish on my list for you. Tis (almost) the season...I feel it! :)
