Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting Lapped SUCKS

All the people who got pregnant the summer I got married (2008) are now pregnant…again. My sister is about to have her second child, as is my good friend from High School. My fertile-challenged friend in England is now having her second pregnancy, despite thinking that she was unable to get pregnant the first time, let alone the second. Ha ha, the joke is on me. She's lapping me. All these women have carried, given birth to, and celebrated the second birthdays of their children while I still sit here, blogging about Facebook antics and IUI vacations.

I don't care who you are or what you're talking about, getting lapped makes you feel like a complete loser. Not only is someone doing better than you, but they're doing TWICE as well. I can see it on the face of my Track kids at practice when the really "fast" kids overtake them. They know: When someone laps you, it m

eans they are better than you are. It makes you wonder: Are we all working with the same resources here? Are you on some sort of performance-enhancing drug? And most importantly: Where can I get them?


  1. Seriously, the lapping makes me crazy. "Luckily" (?) for me, everyone I know seems to have already had their kids before we got started, so I haven't had too many lap me. I try to ignore the rest of them...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hear ya! I think I could have written this post myself. Pregnancy announcements when you are in the middle of an infertilty struggle can make the struggle all the more's tough to swallow, but somehow you need to keep truckin' along!

  4. Yep, it's so painful. Hang in there. Your time will come!

  5. Ugh, it totally sucks. We've all been there. :P
