Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So Many Things...

Yesterday was the transfer!

On Sunday, we had 8 little fellas who looked "very good" for a day-5 transfer, according to the embryologist, which sounded good to me. With this in mind, I thought we'd have a few to freeze. But yesterday when we went in, we had two to put in and only one to freeze. One?! I started with 25 eggs and only one will be left to freeze? I wish she hadn't told me that, because my mood instantly changed. I have given up trying to explain how my mind works when I'm on several different kinds of hormones, but I can tell you that I would have been much happier if she would have said at least two or three.

In any case, we had an A/B+ embryo and a B+/A to put in yesterday, and I've been hanging out on the couch ever since. I've had NO cramping, which I guess is good news, just still pretty bloated from the retrieval.

I hope everything is going well down there, but it's so hard to imagine this working. What is with my mood? I should be overjoyed that everything went well and optimistic about the two little embryos in my belly right now! Sigh. I blame it on the drugs. Evil drugs.


  1. Wow! I would have imagined you had more too! We had 7 to freeze, but I too was worried about that number further sliding. Glad to hear you are feeling good. I again am laid up in bed after having another cyst rupture this morning. Glad the transfer went well and now can't wait for the next step! Thinking about you!!

  2. One is better than none! But, my hope is you won't even need than one. I have a good feeling about the two you have now. I'll keep the positive boat afloat!

  3. Oh god, I am right there with you. After my transfer (8 days ago) I was happy and then very pessimistic. I can't picture it happening either and the hormones make everything so confusing. The bloating is the worst I think of it all. I am huge!

    Good luck, take it easy and I'll be pulling for your little embies!


  4. Damn drugs! But, I think these two are excellent and I'm sending all the sticky vibes I've got!!

  5. Oh no. But I'm praying for the excellent two that were put in you! Grow babies grow!
