Sunday, July 3, 2011

Weird Dreams and Cramps

Last night, I woke up with a pretty strong cramping feeling in my abdomen. Of course, I feared the worst, but there was no bleeding whatsoever. It was over in a few minutes. And (this part is embarassing, but I think we're past all that), passing gas actually seemed to help.

Is this normal? My doctor's office won't be open until Monday, and even then I'm not sure who will be there. I've read online (ahh, the great information center) that cramping is normal and can be a sign that my uterus is getting ready to carry a baby for nine months. That's good news!

It still makes me nervous though, as does sneezing, caughing, or laughing too hard. Or going down stairs. I'm going to be nervous until month nine, I can tell already.

I've also been having very weird dreams the last few nights. I've been told that dreaming actually only occurs in the last few minutes of your sleep, as you regain consciousness. That makes sense, especially because I've been getting up really early to go to the bathroom, and then trying to go back to sleep. Last night there was water-skiing, women's lingere, and paintball guns involved. I won't even go there...

But still happy that I am experiencing this's all going to work out.


  1. I'm not sure about the dreaming thing, but I've been having some crazy ones lately. The other night I had a Gila Monster (think of a large lizard that is black with pink - not kidding - spots and hisses, it's an AZ thing) chasing me and meowing like a cat (usually they hiss)! So very odd!

    Infertiles view pregnancy differently. To us (I think) we don't believe it until the baby is sitting on our stomach. Fertile Myrtles are pregnant until proven otherwise, we're just the opposite. You will be fine! This is good! You give me hope....go read my last post if you haven't already!

  2. I now have twins sitting in there...and I had cramping pretty bad for a few days after transfer. I still get it sometimes even now. No spotting for me either. And I have to pee every 3 hours or so.

    Take it as a good sign. Your body could be adjusting to new life. Fingers crossed for you!


  3. I am not sure exactly what you are feeling, but I would have pain on and off that felt a lot like cramping and in the end was just gas moving through. It does feel really good to get it out! Maybe you are experiencing the same fun joys. I was so surprised at how painful the gas could be though.
