Friday, May 20, 2011

I've Been Cheating...

...with another blog.

I have an alter ego as a fashion blogger. I know, I's strange, but true. It's why I haven't been posting in the last few weeks. (Well, that and school has been insane.)

So here's the news, in case anyone is still following me at all:

1. We are going through with our first IVF in mid-June. I got my drugs on Tuesday, and HOLY CRAP is that a lot of stuff I'm going to be poking through my derma.

2. School is out in one week and I could NOT be happier.

3. I have no real summer plans due to IVF concerns / scheduling, so it's looking like a whole bunch of day-trips in my near future.

4. Did I mention that school is almost out?

If you need a break from baby blogging, please head over to my other blog, Casual and Clueless, to see me show off my budget-friendly (as in, "I just dropped $12,500 to have my uterus worked over and don't have money to buy cute trendy clothes", budget) fashion fun.

And I hope that I'll be posting more soon. I'm going to need the's going to be a tough month. Welcome back, hormones!


  1. I know what you mean about being broke after IVF. I hope you get your BFP in June. My fingers are crossed for you!

  2. I'm still following you! I'm SO happy school is almost out too! I'm hoping this IVF works for you!

  3. That was so cool that I got complelely distracted going through your archives and totally forgot to come back and comment! You make it look so easy!!

    Yay for school being out soon!!
