Monday, June 6, 2011

2nd Checkup and Already a Hiccup

I was hoping against hope that everything would go perfectly for this IVF...but here we go.

Today was my second blood draw appointment since starting the drugs for this cycle, and it did not go well. My fourth IUI (back in November '10) was ultimately canceled due to hyper-stimulation. It seems that I responded far too well to the Follistim. So, of course, this time they started me on only 75 IUs each evening. Well, that didn't work out.

My estrogen levels were so low that my doctor asked if I'd even been taking the shots at all. Really? Would you like to see my bruised belly?! It was a frustrating moment, to say the least. My doctor made sure to say that she, "didn't know why I wasn't responding" to the drugs. Well, I don't know either. I thought  that's why you had the Ph.D., not me. Sigh. I guess I was asking for too much. Can this cycle be salvaged? I'll be giving myself 200 IUs of Follistim tonight and will let you know tomorrow.

Gotta go - 3 different alarms tell me it's 8:00...time to shoot up.


  1. Keep us posted!! Kinda rude that he though you would not be taking the shots, your right, he should be the one that knows whats up! fingers crossed all goes well!

  2. That's screwy! I would ask him point blank tomorrow if you can salvage this cycle or if you are better off waiting till next time. You don't want to go through all this only to have a half-shot.

    I am so sorry this is going down. It's a crap shoot sometimes and you never know what's gonna happen.

    I wish you the best and I hope you can still get some good follies to develope.


  3. Ugh. Frustrating. I will never understand why our bodies can respond so differently to different cycles. As a scientist, it makes me bonkers. There should be a clear correlation!!! That sucks. I hope you can still get some good follie development going.

  4. Yuck, that is frustrating! I'm hoping that something will grow for this cycle...Good luck and I'll be thinking of you!

  5. So frustrating! I hope this is the cycle for you. Sending positive thoughts your way!
