Friday, June 3, 2011

Holey Moley!

Actually, this post should be titled "Holey Ashlee", because I have more punctures than...well, there just is no comparison. (I tried thinking of several analogies, but they were all pretty lame.)

I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm just making an observation. I have a bruised belly.

It's not that it hurts very much. It's not even that hard to remember what to do. I will admit, however, that it is a little daunting to mix the Menopur in it's crazy little vials with the special funky caps, but I'm sure I'll get over that soon. But that's really the worst of it. Even the needles seem smaller now that I've done this for a while. (Not looking forward to that big one at the end though - the stim shot.)

I just want this to work. When it does, it will be worth all the effort. I just have to tell myself that this is the price I have to pay for my babie(s). And when I think about it like that, it seems paltry, insignificant, and simple. I would stab myself 10 times a day to have a baby in nine months. Twenty even! If positivity were a drug, I'd be taking it regularly...along with several other expensive and strang-sounding pills and liquids.


  1. It sucks giving yourself injections, no question about that! You can do it, keep it up! It will be totally worth it.

  2. You are right, we are right on track with each others cycle!
    I am also on Menopur right now along with my Follistim and the Follistim is a no brainer. The Menopur kinda stings a little and I don't like mixing.
    I'm glad you found me! It's nerve wracking isn't it? Good luck! I have my second check today!


  3. Hope that the bruises fade soon! Wishing you much luck!!!

  4. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope this is the cycle for you!
