Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Cheated...and Cheaters Never Prosper

Last night I took a pregnancy test that had been sitting in my cabinet for a while. I knew that you should usually test in the morning, and that the test might be old, but I did it anyway so that I could prepare myself for this morning. As I was waiting for the stick to turn colors, I yelled at it: "I know what you're going to say, so just say it." It was negative.

So this morning, when I went to get my blood drawn, I was not overly excited. I was sure that my lack of symptoms, coupled with the negative HPT, would spell failure. I left feeling tired and cranky.

An hour later, my favorite nurse called me back.
"Hey Ashlee, how are you?"

"I'm okay. How are you doing?"

"Good, thanks. Now, I hear that you took a HPT last night and it came out negative?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Well, you need to buy a new pregnancy test, because it was wrong. You are pregnant."

I am pregnant. My HcG was 101, and anything over 5 is considered "pregnant". It's not high enough to be twins (probably), but it's a very strong number for one tiny little baby.

I am not going to be "cautiously optimistic". I am going to be overjoyed. I am goig to revel in every aspect, every minute, of the next nine months until I'm holding my first child in my arms. This is the day we've been waiting three years for, and we deserve it.

Here's hoping that everyone else who had a June IVF is going to get the same result. Horray for March babies!


  1. Woohooo, this is absolutely fantastic!!!!!

  2. March babies are the very best - but I may be biased. :) Congrats Ashlee, I'm so very happy for you!

  3. I got your text when I was tutoring this morning, and (as a bad tutor would), I checked it and blurted out, "Oh, yes!" Then I had to explain why I was so overjoyed. My little tutoree says super congrats! ;)

    I am SO EXCITED for you and your growing family! I can't wait to rub your pregnant tummy (though I'll be sure to ask first!). Best news ever!!!

  4. WOW! I am over the top excited for you!!!! AMAZING NEWS!

  5. OMG OMG - I read this on my phone first and am SOOOOO freaking excited for you!!! Congrats!!!!!!

  6. That's awesome news!!! A great beta!! Congrats!!

  7. Congrats!!!!I'm so excited for you!

  8. OMG!!!! That is such amazing news!!! I am over the moon for us both. That darn HPT! It's such a jerk.

    We should have very close due dates! I am so happy for you dear.


  9. OMG!!!! Congrats!
