Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just Chillin'

I don't feel a thing. No cramps, no nothin'. I guess that's good, right? I don't exactly want to be cramping and uncomfortable while I'm sitting on the couch eating bon-bons. Okay, I'm not really eating bon-bons...more like a steady diet of protiens (yay for eggs!), V8, and Gatorade.

It's so frustrating not to have an immediate sign! I wish there were a little light that turned on, a feeling you get, or a change in something that could tell me if this worked or not. The more I hear, however, the more I realize that my test, on June 30th, will likely be the first confirmation that I have that this all worked out. Some women get sick after a few days, some don't feel any symptoms until their fourth week!

Sigh. Why are we all different? Why couldn't bodies be the same? Oh yeah, because then I woudln't need IVF in the first place.

Thank goodness for Netflix.


  1. It's all confusing and annoying. I have no idea if what I am feeling or not feeling is a good sign or not. I am with you friend.


  2. Sending positive thoughts your way! Hoping you get your BFP soon!

  3. Good luck. I'm just waiting for good ole AF to come so we can get back to where we need to be and be on the same page as you! Can't wait to hear what happens!

  4. Seriously, it would sure be nice to know earlier, wouldn't it? Good luck with the wait!
