Friday, June 10, 2011

So far, so good...

Another checkup today, and everything seems to be going well. I still have plenty of eggs in both ovaries, but I'm hoping that they get nice and big before next week. (Lots of little ones at 8, lead follicle at about 12. I think - it's hard to concentrate when you are having an intimate experience with an ultrasound wand.)

Drugs? Check.
Sore ovaries? Check, check.
Feeling of hope and optimism. Check!

This feels more "real" now that my body is physically responding to all the drugs. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'll check back in with a report on Monday...please pray for nice, big, healthy follicles for me!


  1. Yay for responding ovaries and hope and optimism!!! Wishing you lots of wonderful steadily growing ovary thoughts this weekend!

  2. Have a great weekend too! I'm praying for lots of big, healthy follies for you!

  3. I'm glad things are going well. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!

  4. Praying! Can't wait to hear the next report!


  5. I'm right there with ya. We have our third u/s this morning to check progress, then extraction on Tuesday! Stay strong sister!
