Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Up and Down

Well, I had another appointment today...and the news was good. (Man, this is an emotional roller-coaster ride.) I had 11 follicles on the right and 7 (or so) on the left. Not bad, huh? They're all a little smaller than they'd like to see at this stage (thanks to my low-dose handicap the first two days), but my Dr. thinks that we can make up that time and just push back the retrieval a few days. Whew.

Don't get too comfortable. There's still time for another glitch. (This one is my fault.) Because my Dr. unexpectedly doubled my Follistim and added three more days of medication, I suddenly realized that I was woefully low on drugs. I mentioned this to my Dr. today at my appointment, but because it was so late in the afternoon when I finally got the call for my dosage, my drugs cannot be delivered until Friday. Yeah, I don't have enough Follistim for tomorrow night.

What to do? Well, let's just hope that they have a little bit to spare tomorrow. I'll call them early in the a.m. and ask if I can pick some up. Let's not even talk about the extra $400 that this is going to cost...

 Am I the only one who has really bad subtraction, procrastination, and foresight issues? Please say no.

I took today's picture at a waterfall surrounded by graffiti. I was simultaneously appalled by the intrusion of paint on the rocks, and yet awed by the juxtaposition of bright colors and falling water. Here is my "everything relates to infertility" moral to this story: Though the human hand cannot always improve upon what nature creates, sometimes humans can work in tandem with nature to create something tryly wonderful. (Like little IVF babies.) 


  1. Oh yikes. I wish I could help you. Praying that you will be able to get some meds today!

  2. Hope the meds come through soon! Do the docs have any on hand? My REs office has some extra that they keep for such an emergency and then have the pharmacy deliver yours to them and exchange it out.

    But, yay for some good follicles!!!
